In 2011, We made many friends....
•Some became Dearest,:) 
•Some became Special,<3
•Some We Fell in Love with,<3<3
•Some went Abroad,:( or to the village=))
•Some changed their cities,:(
•Some Left us,:'(
•We Left some,3
•Some are in contact,(y)
•Some are not in contact,(n)
•Some don't contact because of their ego,>:/
•We don't contact some because of our ego,X_X
•Some left us alone in dis world:'(:(
Wherever they are,O:)
However they are,/:)
We still remember, Love, Miss & Care about them because of the part they played. They made MEMORIES in our Lives and therefore are part of it! \=D/
So if u get this, then know i haven't forgotten u & I want to say, Thank u 4 being part of my 2011 <3 ({})
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Live Life
Assalamualaikum tak jawab dosa ,kalau jawab sayang haha
Ive been influenced by Maria Elena
ohh ok whatever :P
ok Ive no idea why am I still awake at this time
It has been awhile and my sem break is almost over
I wanted to share this thing quite long ago
unfortunately I couldn't find the time to do this thing
so I guess now is the right time for me to spill all of this thing out of my brain chest and what so ever
ok before I go deeper discussing about what ill be saying later let me say this first
REMEMBER in LIFE our family is everything to us
no matter what happen to us in life our family are the only person
who we can rely on no matter what happen in case you guys miss it
let me repeat NO MATTER WHAT
yes I do realize as we grow up we meet with a lot of people
and this is the time where we sometimes feel that our BF or GF
are the most closed people to us
I am not saying that everyone think like this
but most of us will be like this once we grow up
I mean like people now these day are even willing to leave their family behind over a boy or a girl
Im sorry if ever my opinion hurt anyone
I never intend to hurt anyones feelings
But this is the truth that we can see now a days
people are willing to elope with their bf/gf
just because their parents doesn't bless
their relationship
I mean like you had only met the guys for like what 1 2 3 4 5 years ?
and you and youre parents has been living together eversince youre born
obviously they have their own reason why they are doing such thing
and its pathethic to see a boy/ girl to choose their bf/gf over their family
every living creature will oneday die
and so do every human being will eventually die one fine day
sooner or later everyone will be going through this process
its just the matter of time
erghhhh all that I want to say here is appreciate your family
your PARENTS especially while theyre still breathing
once they're only you'll know how hurt it is
Im thankfull to Allah because my parents are still with me
I really love them soooo much
I dont know how can i survive if theyre no longer with me
all of these are the reason of why I am still smiling
and living each day of my life
I really love my family
we might not be as rich as other people
but we're happy
as long as we are together
btw remember Ive said the other day that my grandmother had passed away
it was on the 22nd of june 2011
when my grandmother passed away
I dont know how to express my feelings
a few months before she passed away she was staying with us here
in semenyih
one thing my my mother never regret are being able to look after her mother
before she's sick and when shes dying
right 3 months after my grandmother had just passed away
on the 22nd of september which was on my birthday
my aunty passed away
that was a very shocking news to our family
she was in a very find condition the last we saw her
which is during my late grandmother was sick
around julai
this is my late aunty children
it is sooo sad for them to grow up without their mother
I mean like during our childhood is the time that we really need our parents to guide us
in our daily activity no matter playing with friends going to kingdargarde or etc
but for them there are no more mummy that , mummy this
yes you might say they dont know anything
but everyone have feelings
sooner or later theyll feel the loneliness or emptiness
to see that their friends has a women to be called mummy but they dont
so everyone appreciate your mother
appreciate your family
dont wait untill their gone and you start saying I WISH I COULD DO THAT
because at that point of time it will all remain as A WISH
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Something to be share
ok i found this on FB and I want to share it with u guys :)
♥ Kenape ALLAH temukan kita dengan orang yang salah ♥:
Memang sakit bila cinta yg kita dambakan selama ini tak dihargai oleh insan yg bernama kekasih,apatah lagi kita dibuang begitu saja... tapi,itulah juga petanda terbaik untuk diri dan kehidupan kita pada masa akan datang.
1. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya apabila kita bertemu jodoh yg sebenar,masih ada rasa syukur kita pada ketentuanNYA.
2. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat menjadi penilai yg baik.
3. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita sedar bahawa kita hanyalah makhluk yg sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan ALLAH.
4. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat KASIH SAYANG YANG TERBAIK,KHAS UNTUK DIRI KITA.
5. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita sedar bahawa ALLAH MAHA PEMURAH & PENYAYANG kerana mengingatkan kita bahawa dia bukanlah pilihan yg hebat untuk kita dan kehidupan kita pada masa depan...
6. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita dapat mengutip pengalaman yg tak semua orang berpeluang untuk mengalaminya.
7. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita jadi MANUSIA YG HEBAT JIWANYA.
8. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita lebih faham bahawa CINTA YG TERBAIK HANYA ADA BERSAMA ALLAH.
9. memang ALLAH sengaja menemukan kita dengan orang yg salah supaya kita LEBIH MENGENALI KEHIDUPAN YG TAK SELAMANYA KEKAL.
Wahai sahabat yg kecewa,menderita dan sengsara kerana cinta, fahamilah bahawa kehidupan kita makin sampai ke penghujungnya.
Hari esok pun kita sendiri tak pasti samada menjadi milik kita. Gapailah keredhaan ALLAH dengan melaksanakan suruhanNYA, dan meninggalkan laranganNYA..
PERCAYALAH sesungguhnya ALLAH malu untuk menolak permintaan hambaNYA yg menadah tangan meminta dengan penuh pengharapan HANYA kepadaNYA..
Im back :)
Assalamualikum and HELLOOOOO everyone
omg i know Ive gone for quite long
hehe been very busy lately
Ive so many things to be told
but as usual I dont even know where to start
I guess ill just list it and Ill story it
if i do have time :)
1.semester is over
3. MUET over
4.currently in BINTULU
5. MR. POWER RANGER is no longer exist
6.Im having a crush on someone *haha its serious ok
7. mygrandmother passed away
8. my aunty passed away birthday :)
there's a lot more but I cant recall it la
a lot of things had happened this past few days , weeks , and months
I wish i could stop time let it stay like this forever
I know i sound so pathetic childish annoying
what else u name it
well guess what I DONT CARE
do u know how hurt it is when someone u love is gone forever
mayb some of you do have this kind of experience
errrgghhhh ok lets talk about something else
ok Im currently dekat bintulu
my uncle punya house
since semester is over and muet is over jugak
so im on my vaccation la konon kononnya
ill bestorying more when i got the time ok
dooodddllleeesss :)
Friday, August 19, 2011
not this owner
hai ,
my name is umi nurul farahiim yea adik this blog owner so hai there readers so i trying my best to fixed this blog to the best but yep this blog x dpt nak diselamatkan butt it still alive as long this owner update her blog. so hai kalau sudi tgk la blog saya juga yea me clickclick jgn x click if u did it ILOVEU laaa..hahahahahaa.
sooooooooo enjoy reading yea.
my name is umi nurul farahiim yea adik this blog owner so hai there readers so i trying my best to fixed this blog to the best but yep this blog x dpt nak diselamatkan butt it still alive as long this owner update her blog. so hai kalau sudi tgk la blog saya juga yea me clickclick jgn x click if u did it ILOVEU laaa..hahahahahaa.
sooooooooo enjoy reading yea.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Assalamualaikum !
:( bosannnnnnnnn
kelas asyik cancel je :(
tak tau nak buat apa :(
thank god i dont know how to drive kan kan ?
if i tau dah lama dah i merayap ke , balik rumah ke
as long as tak duduk je dalam bilik ni
boleh gila tau tak kalau hari hari macam ni
this picture was taken last last saturday
during convent sports day :)
pirvinshaaaaaaaaaaaa :)
i really miss all the time that we spend the past two years
talking , gossiping , singing all the thingy la
aliaa n alis my roomate yang sangat awsome :)
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Hai people ,
eyh ada ke orang yang baca ni ?
ahhhh who cares :P
ohh ok ok lets go straight to the point
I was so boring just now so i decided
and yes i did
and after reading A FEW i repeat A FEW
i realize how childish n stupid the post are
if only i can turn back time
i wouldnt want to post all those nonsense
and stupid things
haha , im soooo not saying im childish
but the post are all like saying p/s i love u la
this la , n that la
ohh ok enough about that
today me n my classmate went to the COURT a.k.a MAHKAMAH
yes THE COURT :)
haha as a future lawyer , ececeh perasan habis kan ?
saja je nak melawat sebenarnya
our class finish at 11.30 today
so banyak gila masa terluang kan ?
nak tgk gambar tak ?
ala cakaplah nak ? :(
eyh nak eh ? yes yes yes
here we go :)
ok from left zu , fatin , young , hanan , elli and fiza
ok from left elli , me n hanan :
ok last but not least :) haha meeeeeeeeeeee
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Bila lelaki kehilangan tulang rusuknya :)
WANITA: Siapa yang paling kamu cintai di dunia ini?
LELAKI: Kamu!!!
WANITA: Menurut kamu, saya ini siapa?
LELAKI: (Berfikir sejenak, lalu menatap WANITA dengan pasti) Kamu, tulang rusukku.
Kerana Allah melihat bahawa Adam kesepian. Saat Adam sedang lena tidur, Allah mengambil rusuk Adam dan menciptakan Hawa. Semua LELAKI mencari tulang rusuknya yang hilang dan saat menemukan wanita untuknya, tidak lagi merasakan sakit di hatinya...
Setelah berkahwin, pasangan itu mengalami masa yang indah dan manis untuk sementara. Setelah itu, pasangan muda ini mulai tenggelam dalam kesibukan masing-masing dan kelelahan hidup yang ada. Hidup mereka menjadi membosankan.
Kenyataan hidup yang kejam membuat mereka mulai menyisihkan impian dan cinta satu sama lain. Mereka mulai bertengkar dan pertengkaran itu mulai menjadi semakin panas. Pada suatu hari pada akhir sebuah pertengkaran WANITA lari keluar rumah. Saat tiba di seberang jalan, dia berteriak "Kamu tidak cintakan saya lagi!!!".
LELAKI sangat membenci ketidakdewasaan WANITA dan secara spontan juga berteriak "Saya menyesali perkahwinan ini! Kamu ternyata bukan tulang rusukku!!!"
Tiba-tiba WANITA terdiam, dan berdiri kaku untuk beberapa saat.
LELAKI menyesali akan apa yang sudah dia lafazkan, tetapi seperti air yang telah tertumpah tidak mungkin untuk diceduk kembali. Dengan berlinang air mata, WANITA kembali ke rumah dan mengambil barang-barangnya, bertekad untuk berpisah. "Kalau saya bukan tulang rusukmu, biarkan saya pergi. Biarkan kita berpisah dan mencari pasangan sejati masing-masing".
Lima tahun berlalu. LELAKI masih belum lagi berkahwin, tetapi berusaha mencari khabar akan kehidupan WANITA. WANITA pernah ke luar negeri tetapi sudah kembali. Dia pernah berkahwin dengan seorang asing dan bercerai.
LELAKI agak kecewa bila mengetahui WANITA tidak menunggu, sepertinya.
Dan di tengah malam yang sunyi, dia meminum kopinya dan merasakan sakit di
hatinya. Tetapi LELAKI tidak sanggup mengakui bahawa dia merindukan WANITA.
Suatu hari, mereka akhirnya bertemu kembali. Di airport, tempat di mana banyak terjadi pertemuan dan perpisahan, mereka dipisahkan hanya oleh sebuah dinding pembatas.
LELAKI: Apa khabar?
WANITA: Baik... Kamu sudah menemui tulang rusukmu yang hilang?
LELAKI: Belum.
WANITA: Saya akan terbang ke New York dengan penerbangan berikut. Saya akan kembali 2 minggu lagi. Telefon saya kalau kamu berkesempatan. Kamu tahu nombor telepon saya kan ? Tidak ada yang berubah.
WANITA tersenyum manis, berlalu di hujung lafaz "Selamat tinggal.."
Satu minggu kemudian, LELAKI menerima khabar WANITA adalah salah seorang korban Menara WTC. Malam itu, sekali lagi, LELAKI meneguk kopinya dan kembali merasakan sakit dihatinya. Akhirnya dia sedar bahwa sakit itu adalah kerana WANITA, tulang rusuknya sendiri yang telah dengan bodohnya dia patahkan.
Kita menempiaskan 99% kemarahan walau kepada orang yang paling kita cintai. Dan akibatnya adalah penyesalan. Seringkali penyesalan itu datang dikemudiannya, akibatnya setelah kita menyedari kesalahan kita, semua sudah terlambat...
Kerana itu, jagalah dan sayangilah orang yang dicintai dengan sepenuh hati... Sebelum mengucapkan sesuatu berfikirlah dahulu, apakah kata-kata yang kau ucapkan akan menyakiti orang yang dicintai? Kira merasakan akan menyakitinya, sebaiknya jangan pernah dilafazkan. Kerana semakin besar risiko untuk kehilangan orang yang dicintai.
Jadi berfikirlah, apakah kata-kata yang akan dilafazkan sebanding dengan akibat yang akan diterima??
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
assalamualaikum peeps :)
i know im so bad everytime i promise that i'll update
my blog ill broke the promise :( hehe im sooo sorry
omggg currently im so bored
class cancel la pulak =.=
ok this post i dedicat specially for my late grandmother
i think its proper if i wrote in malay :)
sorry if it sound so weird guys ;)
ok lets get started
masa 31 may nenek masuk hospital
sebab dia punya sugar level low sangat
then doktor diagnos nenek ada lung infection
erghhh lets mix the language
n then her condition get worse
she was admitted in to the ICU
n fyi dia koma ok :(
so on 4th jun which is on wednesday i come back home
so i skipped the class on thursday n friday
me my cousin n my aunty sleep at the hospital to keep HER accompany
n on sunday i come back to my college
got to attend my lectures n tutorial
but my mummy promise to take me on friday
i cried so hard because i dont want to go back
all my uncles and aunty from sarawak came to see my grandmother
alhamdulillah after a week dia sedar :)
so i sembang sembang dgn dia :)
so kitorg semua sangat happy sebab dia dah sedar
yes im aware that she is still in the
recovery process so i didnt put so much hope on her
when the doctor said that her body
is not responding to the antibiotics that are given
n on 22nd of JUNE at 1.20 p.m.
right after the azan she's gone forever :(
but then they brought her body back to sarawak ,
and its a way too long for me to tell u guys
all i want is whenever u guys read this
please sedekah kan AL-FATIHAH to her
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat n
ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman
amin ;)
when the doctor said that her body
is not responding to the antibiotics that are given
n on 22nd of JUNE at 1.20 p.m.
right after the azan she's gone forever :(
but then they brought her body back to sarawak ,
and its a way too long for me to tell u guys
all i want is whenever u guys read this
please sedekah kan AL-FATIHAH to her
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat n
ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman
amin ;)
Monday, June 20, 2011
a whole new world
omggggg i forgot to tell u guys that currently
im furthering my study at UITM SHAH ALAM
hmmmm ivee got tans of story that i wanna tell you guys but then
im soooo sleepy already la :(
ok guys before i choww cincau meet thi is my roomate
beside me its SITI NURALIS a.k.a NENEK
front ALIAA a.k.a ANAK
n me a.k.a MAK
n before i went to sleep i know u guys miss me
soo freaking damn muchie right ??
tadaaaaa i know i know im prettyyyyy ;)
doodless peoples see you =D
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Back to December ♥♥♥♥
How i wish i could turn back time
n let it frozz untill the end of time
How i wish things could just stay the same
untill the end of time ♥♥♥♥
How i wish people dont change
to some other stranger :(
WISH is something that hardly come true
its one in a million of chance
that all of our dream could come true
omgieeeee what the hack is going on with me ???
LOL errrrr ok ive got lots n lots of stuff to tell
ive got my spm result
alhamdulillah the result was good ;)
im currently still working at N CONCEPT
hmm you guys must be wondering kan
why la i rajin sangat nak up date blog ni kan ?
haha i know u guys miss me a lot
ecececeh perasaan melampaui batasan la pulak :P
haha tomorrow is my off day
so i thought that maybe i can sleep a bit late
since blog pun dah lama tak update kan
im soooo sorry ek
ive been really really busy lately
ohhh yeah ive got something to tell u guys
has been stolen by this one old uncle
it is a very very long story
and i dont have the mood
to tell you guys what really happen
everytime everything that remined me of
make me wanna cry ;(
i really really love that phone
its a gift from my daddy for my 17th birthday
its been a week now since it has been stolen
i didnt make any police report
except for reporting it to my daddy
who is a policeman , ahaha ;D
ohhh yeah to MR POWER RANGER
pergilah suka sangat MIA kan ?
guess what i da tak kisah da u nak pegi mana :P
ohh yeah i really reallY MISS
my time that i had in DECEMBER
I really hope that i have a time machine that
will bring me back to december
hmm i really really had so much fun
n i really really enjoy every single moment that i
spent back in december
the time that we use to be so close together
now everything doesnt seems right :P
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
and its all about me me me ;)
first of all morning everyone
ohh lama gila i tak blogging kan
ohh yeahh theres something i wanna tell you guys
jeng jeng jeng jeng
im not longer penganggur tehormat yang kerja nya duduk rumah n menternak lemak =)
ok fine lets make it short
im currently working at N CONCEPT
dekat metropoint hmm its been two weeks since ive started working
first few days of working
mmg damn tired :P
words also cant describe it
ececeh haha
naaaa just kidding though
i work 6 days a week
that mean one week only one of day :(
i wish it could be two or even three sounds good :)
haha there are three shift morning afternoon n full shift
morning - 11 am - 8 pm
afternoon - 1 pm - 10 pm
full - 11 am - 10 pm
ave only two colleagues
which is kak su and kak geetha
both of them are superb
errrr enough about work
ohh yeah on 16th of march embok met with an accident ;(
but alhamdulillah it wasnt that bad
just a few bruises
when she first call me i thought she was just playing around
but when i found it was for real
i feel like im going crazy
i cant imagine my life without her ;)
ohh yeah one more thing spm results will be out TOMORROW
let me repeat TOMORROW
and yeah im soooooooo scared :s
to u in case youre reading this
and please please please janganlah suka sangat M.I.A.
tak best tau tak :P
Thursday, March 3, 2011
fall in ♥♥♥
ohh ok i forgot to tell u guys that im in love
ahahaha does it sounds creepy ?
wait wait till u see who that person
I really love this person
everything that this person does inspired me
ok u guys must be wondering kan
fine actually im in love with HANA TAJIMA ♥
hahaha well i really really love her sense of fashion
her personality her everything la
wait a sec I'm sooo not a lesbo ok ?
ok ladies and gentleman meet hana tajima ♥
isn't she's beautiful ?
erghhh i really really love her :)
afer my mummy + daddy
my family n ehem ehem
ahahaha then only come HANA TAJIMA ♥
ok that stuff she's holding
im really craving for that now
i do have one of those but then my dad is too kedekut
me : ayah nak pinjam camera
daddy : ishh nak buat apa tak payah lah
me : =,= fine
right now im saving my money to have
that canon stuff
ohhh job please come A.S.A.P
ohh yeah btw daddy's birthday is just around the corner
im thinking of buying him a brand new watch
hmmm im thinking of buying him a brand new fossil :)
cause i loveeeee fossil :D
hmmm well see hows the budget first la
cause im kind na broke right now =.=
ohh yeah btw romours saying that
results will came out last monday
obviously it didn't
and mummy said it will only came out
on the 3rd week of MARCH
ohh ok gtg i'll be back tonight
insyAllah :)
doooodddllleeessssss ♥♥♥
and its all about him him him ;)
hmm first of all forgive me if there's a lot og grammatical error
u see its been a while since i left school
so that means its been a while jugak i didn't write essay
so faham faham je la :)
ok what im going to say has got nothing to do
with our header for today ;)
well last tuesday me teha n pai went for a job hunting ;D
omggg i wass sooo very the excited tau nak kerja :)
but then now still waiting for them to call me
so basically now all that i do is
bangun pagi cuci muka gosok gigi mandi 2
makan sarapan n help my dear mummy with all the housework =,=
which is very very the tiring one
ohh yeah i want to take this oppurtinity to thanks all the fish and chicken
for being so nice to me while i was frying them
for the past few days week months
thank you so much cause tak meletup letup
yeah =)
fyi im a bit trauma pasal goreng mengoreng ni
well its a long long story though
actually im so bored now :(
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