Sunday, January 31, 2010

♥ sisters day out ♥

remember yesterday ckp nak pg pavi
penat gler kot
*tulah org ckp xpayah pg nak jgk*
i promise pika nak gerak pkul 930
but then i was late sorry syg
around 950
br i sampai
btw ktorg x berdua my cuz n my sis ikut

thank god pika x kesah
thanx dear
then tgu ktm
the first train sampai kitorg x dpt masuk
coz bnyk gler org n smue macam ikan sardin
dalam tin

then kitorg tgu train lg satu
the second train only i  manage to go in
but then i keluar balik
xkan la nak pg sorg2 kan
then tgu train lg satu

while waiting for the train
we met some one
don't noe whats her name
dye ni kan syok sendiri betul
seram kitorg

thank god train yg ketiga tu kitorg rempuh jgk masuk
selepas 2 jam penantian pkul 11 someting
br dapat naik train
then sampai kl sentral
jalan pg monorail
dahla barisan nak beli tiket
 kat monorail panjang
n lpas beli tiket naik atas tgu monorail
 then monorail sampai trus masuk

sampai pavi
our first destination
ialah food court
me n my cuz crk meja
while pika n my sister
pg toilet

then lpas tu kitorg makan
lpas makan our second destination was ZARA
i was looking for a beg
dah lama da aim benda tu
malangnya da xda
then kitorg pun pg tempat lain

then jalan punya jalan
kitorg juz bli barang dkat F21 dgn MISS T 
lgpun daddy dah pesan
jgn beli baju makan angin jer

then 5 someting kitorg pun gerak balik
but then singgah sg wang kejap
then balik umah
around 7 kitorg sampai rumah

then while waiting for my mum
ktorg lpak kat kdai mamak
tepi ktm
then my mum datang
pg bank
cuz my mum  nak kirim duit kat adik dye
anak dye masuk hospital

then around 830 br sampai rumah
then tidur

btw here are some pic of us

don't know what the hell i was doing

me n pika

wan some??hehehe

ala2 model puff

dkat toilet pun jadila

p/s*the end

Saturday, January 30, 2010


owh yeah btw today nak keluar dgn pika
pavilion here we come
mest korg pelik kan coz nak post dua kali
act juz now lupe la

jgn marah

what a day

yesterday x sempat blog
so now im gonna tell u what happened yeaterday
at skool our last day of pmd
the speaker was from inti
eventhough the talk was like a little boring
but all of us was like so excited to get the
prizes yg dia offer
too bad i xdpt
idk bou that anymore la

blk skola around 2 someting baru smpai rmah
then tido kjap
around 3 bgn go watch tv hahaha
around 4 daddy blk
then 4.30 grak pg damansara
omg the traffic was like sososo jam
aroun 6 br sampai damansara
then while waiting for our guests of honour
my cuzz 

hahaha ktorg pun lpak la dkat kdai mamak situ.
n then around 630 dye pun tiba
then pg rmah dye amik barang2 dye
then 7 someting grak blk kajang

traffic???x payh ckp pun i tink u guyz bley tau kan
830 sampai kajang then pg uniten amik my other
then br blk rumah
owh yeah da la masa kat rmah cuz yg dkat damansara
tyme2 tu plak period nak keluar
around 9 br sampai rumah
owh penat..

btw here are some pictures of me masa hols

me n my bf..hahaha
i luv u dear

me hahaha

me n my little bro

my bf hahaha

mummy n cuzzy

dinner at jasmine's

my last night dkat sarawak

tyme ni da nak check in da tp sempat lg posing

omg i miss u people so damn much

p/s* i love you

Thursday, January 28, 2010

so sick

yesterday x sempat nak blogging
i was too tired though
tis is all beacause of that stupid koko activity
yesterday nothing really great happen

juz one thing that really make me scared
i thought ive lost my wallet
sedangkan my mom yg simpan kan
me n pika mcm bodo jerk go find that "missing wallet"
sedangkan x ilang pun
my mum ckp i letak rata2
then dye nampk dye pin simpan dlm beg dye
sedangkan i igt wallet tu with me hahaha

owh yeah btw today i x pegi skolah
cuz im having fever

so ryte now im so bored so blogging

owh yeah remember that day im pissed at some one
ryte now im still pissed
i pelik la kenapa org suka salahkan orang lain
sedangkan dye yang buat hal
at the first palce
n then u wanna put the blame on me
eeeeee tolonglah
thah is so last year ok???
berani buat berani tanggung lah

n bila dah ada yang baru yang lama terus lupa
ingat skit u tu sape
erghhh only god n me know
betapa marah nya i skarang

n tolonlah stop giving me those stupid excuses
n sop kan smue penipuan u ok??
i noe u very well
n to that bit**
please get a life!!

omg i really miss my holidays

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

hey pleaselah!!!

today were stilll doing our pmd
n todays topic is about
the speaker was from ptpl
it was so much fun

n today i stayed back for house practice
it was like so damn tired
mula2 kena lari 2 pusingan padang
then lari 100m 2x
next long jump2x
(but i skipped the first one)
then kawad
finally ktorg bley balik

mula2 igt nak blk dgn my mom jer
then all of a sudden my dad da samp
so trus balik rumah
but on our way home
ktorg pg minum
owh cendol!!!

owh yeah btw ive manage to find
the vid that ive said yesterday

u guyz can go check the vid
im sososos tired la today
baru ari selasa tp da rasa macam ari jumaat
eh tolonglah
cut all this crab
n live get the HELL out of my life
ok lah smpai sini dlu la
owh yeah btw i da start diet dah coz
since hols ive gain 3 kg
so lets  see the result soon

hope im gone  na make through it
 wish me luck

Monday, January 25, 2010

first day of pmd

hmm currently were having our pmd this week
today the topic was about
at first it was like so boring
owh yeah btw the speaker was
from uniten 
after a while its kind a fun

btw who cares ryte??
what i want na say is
before the pmd finish
he manged to show us 2 video
the first video is all about our confidence
its about who we believe in ourselves
n its kind a intresting
coz the video was made by uniten student

n the most important is the sec vid
its about a handicap man who
happened to have no legs n no hands
but he said that no metter what happen
never never never give up
n i think  a number of us cry
coz of that man
ryte now im trying to find for the vid
if any of you find it please hint me back..

Saturday, January 23, 2010

owh at last

hmm so long ready since my last post
ryte now im so pissed with someone
say what u wanna say
like i care.. xD
huh forget about that stupid person
hmm tis year "hari sukan"for my school
will only be held in april..
so late huh???
dahla like every day kena stayback
tuesday-kelab n not to forget latihan rumah sukan
wednesday-unit beruniform
n soon friday will be my tuition day..
ergh ill only be free on thursday
erghh tension...

owh yeah b4 tlupa
after a few day pujuk my mom
at last she allow me to take my guitar class
but only after the sports day finish..
then only ill have tyme for my class..
thanks mummy x)
love you...

i already have one guitar..
but tis is so my guitar to be
ill make sure ull be mine..

btw today dkat skola ktorg buat jualan
n my class 5 ruby jual ice cream
the target was like to sell at least 100
but then we only mange to sell 80 something
n all of our ice cream are kind of like sososo melt

next week will be the pmd week
so wht will that mean??
owh kurangnya kerja rumah
n that will be a yay!!
im a bad girl ryte!!!

ergh mood activation;pissed of with *#@$%

Thursday, January 14, 2010


hi so long ready since my last post..huhu im so busy ryte now
with school and everything..hmm
anyway thats not my point x)
im just so weird nape la gurlz ske buat hal kekecik looks like its a big matter..
juz now our pj teacher ask us to timbang berat..
n after timbang all my frens start complaining about their weigh..
"ahhh kite da gemuk perun kita ni buncit" thats what aisyah said
then anis ckp "kan ak da ckp mesti naik pnya berat ak"
hahahaha see how they complain about their weigh eventhough berat diorg naik 1 kg
pun omg u cannot imagine how theyre gonna scream..
^hahaha see i da merapu..
i noe i pun lbey kurang mcm tu jgk..
but no matter what happen remember
bersyukurlah dgn apa yg kita ada..
hmm what else??
this week i feel so tired
everyday nak stayback
then balik rmah homework menanti
owh no x(
omg i need REST..

Sunday, January 10, 2010


haha ryte now im on my way to down town with my bro

                                                                 mke tgh high

nak cium???
haha nant kalau ad pic ill upload somemore..

Friday, January 8, 2010

roti canai kaya!!

erm tis story is all about my lil sis named umi nurul shafiqah..
ok let me start
3 aribln aritu waktu malam ye..
dye nak sgt makan roti canai kaya so dye pun perg la
beli dgn my lil bro naik motor
dkat dpan rmah jer
and all of a sudden hujan pun turun n both of them
basah kne hujan..
n then the very next day where the school reopen
she was absent to school coz she's having  a high fever
n on th 5 my dad took her pg klinik n then the doc sruh pg check
darah dkat hosp..
on th 5th dye check darah pada waktu malam..
n doc trus tahan dye coz according to the doc
kurang garam..
n now its getting worse n worse
kejap kata appendiks then hati n usus dye bengkak
mcm2 jer..
n her hand da bengkak coz banyak sgt jarum
ergh its kind a scary
huh..x dpt i bayangkan if this thing happen to me
instead of her..
n its kind a weird to see a hyper girl like her
terlantar sakit,,
now still dkat hospital lg
dun noe ble bley kuar
n dye blum pg skool lg since it reopen

                        tis pic was taken masa dye pnya birthday party last year
                             she was the one who sit right beside me

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

girls power

WARNING to the GUYS : read if you think u can handle it ! ;D


A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word..

An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted to concede their position.

As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs,

the husband asked sarcastically

'Relatives of yours?'

'Yep,' the wife replied, 'in-laws.'


A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day...

30,000 to a man's 15,000.

The wife replied,

'The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men...

The husband then turned to his wife and asked,



A man said to his wife one day,

'I don't know how you can be so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time.'

The wife responded,

'Allow me to explain .

God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;

God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!'

The Silent Treatment

A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment.


the man realized that the next day,

he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight.

Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE),

he wrote on a piece of paper,

'Please wake me at 5:00 AM.'

He left it where he knew she would find it.

The next morning,

the man woke up,

only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight.

Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him,

when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed.

The paper said,

'It is 5:00 AM. Wake up.'

Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests.

God may have created man before woman,

but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece

Monday, January 4, 2010

problems problems problems

ergh first day of school already sucks
dun noe how im gonna survive this year
so much trouble..
ergh please tell me why..
i hate tis situation..
trouble trouble go away..
and please dun come again..

Friday, January 1, 2010

holidays part 2

since skrang dah masuk tahun baru
so i tink ill better finbish my holiday story
hmm dr rmah aunty i pg bintulu lbey kurang 3 jam..
so imagine 3 hours duduk dlm kereta..

smpai bintulu pg lunch then blk umah uncle aka (ngah bonny)
then dkat 2 minggu duk dkat bintulu,,
until my parents pg sarawak br i blk miri blk..
then jump my parents at my aunty place(mok itam)

then the next day  hari sabtu i pg tempat i dilahirkan marudi
the journey ambik masa lbey kurang 3 jam dr miri naik
ekspres(lbey kurang mcm feri tp agak daif la)

                                                                          my cuz bak

                                                                                       cuz paiz jo

                                                                       n thats my uncle johnny

lbey kurang mcm ni la that ekspres
then stay dkat rmah uncle i wa joe
fyi yg ikut trip ni ialah my uncle,my little sis,my cuz n my grandma

then sunday my uncle aka wa joe ajak ikut pg kampg dye
mmg dkt pedalaman la
dr marudi ktorg kne naik ekspres pg long maro kampg uncle i
lbey kurang 1 jam
ktorg pg situ coz ada anak buah uncle i nak kahwin
hmm btw diorg kat cni smue kristian..
long maro ni mcm sebuah pekan yg kecik sgt..
n u guys can see that diorg ni idup tak senang mcm kita
nak pg skolah pun kne naik sampan pg kampung lain..

so bersyukur la dgn apa yg u ada skang nie..
erm i saty citu 3d 2n..
it was so fun..
mcm2 experience i dpt
masuk hutan,mandi berkermban huh for the first time
in my life ever kne mand berkemban..
sounds silly but yeah it was so fun..

then blk dr long maro singah marudi kjap trus blk miri on the same day..
blk miri got nothing to do so ap yg ktorg buat smantara
thu masa utk blk kl ialah shopping,,
sampai my dad pun bising coz ktorg asyik shopping jer..

p/s* saba daddy thats normal if u ada 3 orang anak pompuan..
hahaha btw we love u..

ok back to the story on the 26 december ktorg pun blk dr miri
flight pkul 1130 in the morning..
sampai rmah around 4,,
thats all my holidays..
ill upload photo soon..