Sunday, January 31, 2010

♥ sisters day out ♥

remember yesterday ckp nak pg pavi
penat gler kot
*tulah org ckp xpayah pg nak jgk*
i promise pika nak gerak pkul 930
but then i was late sorry syg
around 950
br i sampai
btw ktorg x berdua my cuz n my sis ikut

thank god pika x kesah
thanx dear
then tgu ktm
the first train sampai kitorg x dpt masuk
coz bnyk gler org n smue macam ikan sardin
dalam tin

then kitorg tgu train lg satu
the second train only i  manage to go in
but then i keluar balik
xkan la nak pg sorg2 kan
then tgu train lg satu

while waiting for the train
we met some one
don't noe whats her name
dye ni kan syok sendiri betul
seram kitorg

thank god train yg ketiga tu kitorg rempuh jgk masuk
selepas 2 jam penantian pkul 11 someting
br dapat naik train
then sampai kl sentral
jalan pg monorail
dahla barisan nak beli tiket
 kat monorail panjang
n lpas beli tiket naik atas tgu monorail
 then monorail sampai trus masuk

sampai pavi
our first destination
ialah food court
me n my cuz crk meja
while pika n my sister
pg toilet

then lpas tu kitorg makan
lpas makan our second destination was ZARA
i was looking for a beg
dah lama da aim benda tu
malangnya da xda
then kitorg pun pg tempat lain

then jalan punya jalan
kitorg juz bli barang dkat F21 dgn MISS T 
lgpun daddy dah pesan
jgn beli baju makan angin jer

then 5 someting kitorg pun gerak balik
but then singgah sg wang kejap
then balik umah
around 7 kitorg sampai rumah

then while waiting for my mum
ktorg lpak kat kdai mamak
tepi ktm
then my mum datang
pg bank
cuz my mum  nak kirim duit kat adik dye
anak dye masuk hospital

then around 830 br sampai rumah
then tidur

btw here are some pic of us

don't know what the hell i was doing

me n pika

wan some??hehehe

ala2 model puff

dkat toilet pun jadila

p/s*the end