Saturday, February 20, 2010


Omg rasa mcm dah berabad x blogging
ok my holiday mmg best gler
but then the ill tell u more bout the holiday later la
tgu my dad masukkan pic dlm pc dlu
then only ill tell u bout my holiday
from a to z
ewah2 bunyi mcm lah hebat sangat

ok currently dah selamat berada drumah
kalau nak ikutkan my dad esok lusa baru nak blk
thank god my brother pndai cari excuse
ada exam kereta la plak
so daddy 'terpaksa' balik harini

btw night before holiday haritu me n my sis
x dpt tido excited sgt la katakan
so kitorg apa lagi
picture time
ok seriously i love tis pic

ive no idea why my nose become so big like that

actually ive no idea what to ryte
memandangkan dah lama x  buat entry baru
so terimalah seadanya

owh yeah btw my holiday story will be post soon
sabar ye