Thursday, March 25, 2010


rasa macam dah berabad dah x update blog
lately busy sgt
n exam pun dah habis
ok lah not bad
hahaha :)

owh yeah sukantara pun baru jer abis
antara acara nya ialah
lari 100 m
lontar peluru
n long jump
n sukan r coming soon
if im not mistaken 10th april
owh only god knows how tired we are
*over la plak kan*'
btw who cares

baru jer dpt result for our first monthky exam kan
but guess what??
cikgu plak dgn senang hatinya berkata
jadual exam pertengahan dah sampai
n one more time guess what??
that means all sukatan from f4 til f5
owh no !!!!
br jer igt nak rileks goyang kaki beberapa hari kan
looks like its never gonna happen

owh yeah btw next saturday
gonna stay there for one night
mummy punya tempat kerja ada buat family day
it will be held dkat TIARA BEACH RESORT
*excited gile*

a bit crazy la my family tis year
x abis2 nak pegi holiday
tapi x kesah lah 
boleh spent more time together-gether :)

owh nant abis spm
insyallah me n my cuzzy will be heading to singapore
owh awsomeness
cptlah dtg next year
but please dont come spm :(

i love them :)