Friday, January 1, 2010

holidays part 2

since skrang dah masuk tahun baru
so i tink ill better finbish my holiday story
hmm dr rmah aunty i pg bintulu lbey kurang 3 jam..
so imagine 3 hours duduk dlm kereta..

smpai bintulu pg lunch then blk umah uncle aka (ngah bonny)
then dkat 2 minggu duk dkat bintulu,,
until my parents pg sarawak br i blk miri blk..
then jump my parents at my aunty place(mok itam)

then the next day  hari sabtu i pg tempat i dilahirkan marudi
the journey ambik masa lbey kurang 3 jam dr miri naik
ekspres(lbey kurang mcm feri tp agak daif la)

                                                                          my cuz bak

                                                                                       cuz paiz jo

                                                                       n thats my uncle johnny

lbey kurang mcm ni la that ekspres
then stay dkat rmah uncle i wa joe
fyi yg ikut trip ni ialah my uncle,my little sis,my cuz n my grandma

then sunday my uncle aka wa joe ajak ikut pg kampg dye
mmg dkt pedalaman la
dr marudi ktorg kne naik ekspres pg long maro kampg uncle i
lbey kurang 1 jam
ktorg pg situ coz ada anak buah uncle i nak kahwin
hmm btw diorg kat cni smue kristian..
long maro ni mcm sebuah pekan yg kecik sgt..
n u guys can see that diorg ni idup tak senang mcm kita
nak pg skolah pun kne naik sampan pg kampung lain..

so bersyukur la dgn apa yg u ada skang nie..
erm i saty citu 3d 2n..
it was so fun..
mcm2 experience i dpt
masuk hutan,mandi berkermban huh for the first time
in my life ever kne mand berkemban..
sounds silly but yeah it was so fun..

then blk dr long maro singah marudi kjap trus blk miri on the same day..
blk miri got nothing to do so ap yg ktorg buat smantara
thu masa utk blk kl ialah shopping,,
sampai my dad pun bising coz ktorg asyik shopping jer..

p/s* saba daddy thats normal if u ada 3 orang anak pompuan..
hahaha btw we love u..

ok back to the story on the 26 december ktorg pun blk dr miri
flight pkul 1130 in the morning..
sampai rmah around 4,,
thats all my holidays..
ill upload photo soon..